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Marry Me, Mary! Episode 1 Fan Subs
Stephanie: She just say 'thank you'and waved out the window.
Kazuki: She was saying 'please come back!' because they were stealing all her stuff. Duh!
Stephanie: and now she's counting...
Kazuki: She started counting and I was like 'ahhh! I know what she's doing!
Kazuki: But what IS she doing?!
Stephanie: grabbing her luggage
Kazuki: She counted to ten but then she was running in a circle--you'd think she was moving out.
Stephanie: I know!! But why did she take everything out?
Kazuki: but she looks to be moving in.
Stephanie: but apparently she was really moving out all of her stuff
Kazuki: maybe selling it?
Stephanie: to get BETTER stuff!!
Kazuki: or she's really poor...and selling it for rent?
Stephanie: maaaaaybe...
Stephanie: yeah, I don't get it. Did she just move IN?
Kazuki: maybe she's a squater!
Stephanie: a what?
Kazuki: someone who steals places when people leave--just takes them as their own
Stephanie: ooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Stephanie: she just took all that food
Kazuki Reid: that looks so gross
Stephanie: OHHHHHHHHH! Korea's Got Talent!!
Man: I'm Simon. You suck. Never sing again.
Kazuki: ooh I think that's the bad but 'good for you' guy
Kazuki: 'Sir, that is an amazing sword collection you have.'
Stephanie: 'Show me how to make my sword as big as yours.'
Kazuki: obviously that is what they are talking about
Stephanie: Evil man IS BACK!
Kazuki: 'I believe I have a sword... to rival your own...'
Stephanie: watch me paint
Kazuki: 'watch it... with your nice clothes'
Stephanie: 'don't criticize me and my pj's'
Kazuki: 'i will continue to draw almost the same thing
just to confuse you...
and your nice suit'
Kazuki: Yea they have to be squatters
Stephanie: 'Girl: Dad, stop eating all of the food.
I only have so much before we'll die.'
Kazuki: 'but I'm so hungry'
Stephanie: *knock knock*
what are you doing in this place? it's supposed to be MINE!
Kazuki: 'hurry! if we get under this blanket, no one will know we are here! I
t is a fool proof plan!'
Stephanie: girl: leave me alone. I'm a prostitute and you
can't afford my fees.
Kazuki: 'I am working already.
can you not see my hair?!'
Stephanie: 'men: *leave disappointed*'
Stephanie: NO! They're back! Oh, they want her father.
Kazuki: have they not heard of locking doors?
Kazuki: 'yes, plastic bowls always break windows...'
Stephanie: 'Girl: dad JUMP! It's for the good of our food supply!'
Stephanie: how can they be DIRT POOR and have a CELL PHONE???
Kazuki: oooooooh! A CAR!!!! hit geun suk!!! HIT HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIM!
Stephanie: Girl: I am dirt poor because I spent all my money on this NEW CAR!!!
Kazuki: and these new friends
Stephanie:..."and my father ate my FOOD." T.T
Kazuki: seriously, where did she get a car?
Stephanie: Girl: "wow, there's a lot of traffic. I might hit someone."
Kazuki: 'maybe you should.
teach these people a lesson'
Stephanie: Girl: OMG, I DID!
Kazuki: 'omg! you actualy did it!'
Kazuki: 'I didn't mean ACTUALLY HIT HIM!'
Stephanie: "You alive? Poke Poke Poke."
Kazuki: *poke poke*
Kazuki: 'hey, um... are you okay?'
Kazuki: 'huh? that hurt...'
*walks off*
Kazuki: 'yea.... let's go before the police show up...'
Stephanie: I'm worried! I don't have insurance because I'm poor!
Kazuki: 'I hear the police! RUN!!!'
Stephanie: Friends: WHINE!!!
Stephanie: omg, they're FOLLOWING HIM! T
hen again, I might, too >.>
Kazuki: 'who will drive us around?!'
Stephanie: Why does she keep yelling 'Tokyo'?? Is that his name?
Kazuki: haha the dots around them are hilarious
Stephanie: why would she follow him???
Kazuki: I'm assuming they were actually going on and on about the fact that he's in a band and he's famous
Stephanie: is he supposed to be famous?
Kazuki: Well, indie band famous...
Kazuki: 'huh, rabbit hole?... must enter...'
Kazuki: 'where am I? where is my rabbit? I must find him and hit him with another car so he can't run away!'
Kazuki: who is the creepy chick?
Stephanie: that's his prostitute
whom he gets his porn from
Kazuki: YES!
she keeps his harddrive safe for him--
I don't know that I'll ever get over that.
Kazuki: yes, because you can talk on a phone in a place like that
Kazuki: I love that she leaves
Stephanie: Girl: Look at him. He sings. I am in awe.
Kazuki: she chases after him and then ges a call and leaves?
Stephanie: yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah
Kazuki: oh wait, has to take a stalker picture first
with her expensive phone
that she sold all her stuff for...
that and her car
that is now dented
Stephanie: she LEFT her car
Kazuki: but its okay, because it was from a famous guy
Kazuki: 'hey, I hit that guy with my car.
what about you?'
Stephanie: "I know you?"
Kazuki: 'hey, you hit me.
you totally fixed my back problem!'
Kazuki: 'you bastard!'
Stephanie: Tokyo: *gets slapped*
Kazuki: 'no one can hit you with a car but me!!!!'
Stephanie: Girl: *stalks again*
Kazuki: Mary: 'obviously he has a thing for cars...did she hit him with a car too?'
Stephanie: Mary: 'Let me see if he has a thing for short-haired women...'
Stephanie: Tokyo: 'Maybe I'll cut my hair?'
Stephanie: Tokyo: 'Don't you dare bill me for your slut fees. I'll just give you the cash straight up.'
Kazuki: 'you hold my harddrive because it is an HONOR. not because I have to pay you.'
Stephanie: "You should be honored!
Kazuki: 'that it. you're out.'*kicks purse* (because there are no flowers)
Stephanie: omg, she is PERSISTENT
Kazuki: 'hi! I have my car out back.... can I hit you again?'
Stephanie: 'Please sign this saying that I can be your future prostitute.'
Kazuki: 'I have lots of places to hide harddrives'
Stephanie: 'Darn it, sign it again!'
Stephanie: 'And um...don't hug me. You're creepy.'
Kazuki: 'no... no hugs.... just hits with cars. it's kind of my new things'
Stephanie: 'Dear Lover, I want to marry you. This is a declaration of my love. Please marry me. Tokyo.'
Stephanie: 'Give it back! This was a dream of mine!'
Kazuki: 'damn your height! I just wanted to get your harddrive!'
Kazuki: 'so... where is this car of yours?'
Kazuki: 'i lied, I stole it...'
Stephanie: they're having a meal together again???
Kazuki: 'TOKYO!!! YOUR HARDDRIVE IS EVERYTHING!!!' She probably wants to sell it for money. 'i can then sell it for so much money....'
Stephanie: Tokyo: 'Just have some soju, love...'
Kazuki: 'drink... then you can hit me again'
Stephanie: 'But I looooooooooooove you. Sign my marriage contract.'
Kazuki: 'no one has ever hit me the way you did...'
Stephanie: 'No, I only want porn and soju.'
Stephanie: 'Ahh! But if I get him drunk, he'll sign it!'
Kazuki: he totally called her out
Stephanie: 'You just wasted good alcohol. HOW DARE YOU???'
Kazuki: 'please stop making me drink
Stephanie: and now they are DRUNK!!!
Kazuki: 'stop holding my hand!
Stephanie: 'Sign it. I want you.'
Kazuki: 'I only want to touch you with my car!
Stephanie: 'I don't give myself to just ANYONE!'
Stephanie: Tokyo: *HUG*
Stephanie: his constant hugs are weeeeeeeeeeeird
Stephanie: Toyko: 'Takes this lettuce of my appreciation for running me over.'
Kazuki: 'marry me!'
Stephanie: 'Wait...did my lettuce give you that scar?'
Stephanie: 'Leave it alone! I'm Harry Potter!'
Stephanie: 'No no, let me see it. Did you hit yourself with your car, too?'
Kazuki: and he kissed her scar. this is just adorable.
Stephanie: 'Tokyo, is that you? Did you fall?'
Kazuki: 'I still have lettuce... will it help?'
Stephanie: 'If you don't get up, I'll eat your lettuce. Ah, I give up. Let me sleep with you. I'll make your dreams come true.'
Stephanie: *wakes up* 'How did I get back here? and why did I let him give me soju?'
Kazuki: 'man, what happened to my car last night?'
Stephanie: omg, he's under the BLANKET! 'Did I sleep with him??? I need my money first!'
Kazuki: 'I refuse to give up the harddrive!'
Stephanie: 'What? A puppy? Can't compete with that.'
Stephanie: I love how she is completely CLUELESS that he is there
Kazuki: he can come sleep on my floor anytime
Kazuki: 'sir! I had the best night! I hit a musician with my car!'
Stephanie: Tokyo: 'Want to take a shower?'
Stephanie: Mary: 'Why did you take a shower WITHOUT ME???'
Stephanie: Tokyo: 'What am I to do? You weren't here...and my hair was greasy.'
Kazuki: 'that is no excuse! if there is no hot water I'll kill you! I hate you! get out!'
Kazuki: 'Your lettuce died, too! I need more!'
Stephanie: Mary: 'You can't be here if you are going to cheat on me with the shower nozzle.'
Kazuki: 'our lettuce love is over!'
Kazuki: 'omg I really did hurt you with my car!'
Stephanie: Tokyo: 'Oh, the pain in my side from being hit my your car!! Convenient reason for me to STAY!'
Kazuki: 'man... if only I'd gotten to hit him again...I could have kept him forever...'
Stephanie: 'or he wouldn't be alive to torture me so'
Kazuki: 'and maybe he'd shut the hell up
Stephanie: 'WHAT? You're going to take the harddrive back?? DON'T YOU DARE!'
Stephanie: 'Mary? Merry Christmas?'
Stephanie: I love his sexy pose right now
Kazuki: I know! 'now keep rubbing. oh no... the pain... I must stay in this sexy pose...'
Stephanie: 'Fine, I won't take the harddrive away. Just don't touch the bruise. Massage me.'
Kazuki: 'now please, go make me dinner...and get me some soju...'
Stephanie: Mary: *whines*
Stephanie: Friend: You DID hit him with your car. You should have kept going...
Kazuki: 'is he in a sexy pose, though? because then you shouldn't be complaining....'
Stephanie: Mary: 'Now I will die on the floor.'
Kazuki: he doesn't have money
Stephanie: yeah, THAT was the problem..."If only I sold my secret for overcoming ED..."
Kazuki: 'no... I must protect it. for my daughters safety'
Stephanie: 'instead, i'll get hit with a car'
Kazuki: 'mary says it works wonders for your love life'
Stephanie: 'nevermind, that won't do...I can't jump off a bridge EITHER! FAIL!'
Kazuki: Mary: 'I have a freeloader... but I swear he'd be perfect for this job'
Stephanie: 'What? You've never heard of Harry Potter? I'm famous, I tell you! Famous! Hire me!!'
Kazuki: Mary to Tokyo: 'get a job... please get a job!'
Stephanie: 'CRAP, HE'S EATING MY NOODLES! You're no better than my father!!'
Kazuki: Mary: 'yes, please eat all my food...if you let me, you can keep my harddrive for now'
Stephanie: Tokyo: 'Did you just put that hot bowl on my harddrive???'
Stephanie: *fighting over noodles* 'DON'T EAT MY NOODLES!'
Kazuki: 'you bastard! they are mine!!!!'
Stephanie: Tokyo: I win!
Kazuki: 'you know what would be awesome? getting a job.'
Stephanie: 'Here. Call this person and get a job.'
Stephanie & Kaz: HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!
'Where is Tokyo?'
'Does my perm look ok?'
'someone must have hit him with a car again'
'what is with his fetish with cars?'
'Hyung! He's hiding behind us!'
' know him... he's creepy!'
'Why does he get the girls? He's a freeloader.'
Kazuki: oooh the OTHER how does he come into play?!
Stephanie: his father is going to pay his debt by giving the man his daughter
Kazuki: 'hey, I know a poor chick you should totally hook up with'
Stephanie: 'Son...don't got out with poor girls.'
Stephanie: 'I promise.'
Stephanie: 'I mean it. No more scenes like back in Busan.'
Kazuki: 'fine... this drama plot has been put in motion with my glasses being put on'
Kazuki: 'but like tokyo I have a fetish...only its for poor chicks."
Stephanie: 'Here, take this picture of our national fairies! This is Mary, our most favorite prostitute. She takes in freeloaders all the time.'
Kazuki: 'and I hear she's amazing with harddrives'
Kazuki: 'you think you can out ninja us?!'
Father: *magically saved*
Kazuki: 'no... our ninja skills are not as good! we are not worthy!'
Stephanie: 'Thank you for saving me! I'll give you my first born!'
Kazuki: and they are somehow friends?!
Stephanie: Mary: 'Ugh, I hate this bus ride. Where is my car?'
Kazuki: 'oh that's right, I hit that lettuce jerk with it. hopefully he's not here....'
Stephanie: 'if I can't to 10, this will allllllllll go away. and I'll get my noodles back.'
Kazuki: 'that bastard... he ate my noooooooooooooooodles!'
Stephanie: 'How could he? What did I do to make him eat my food?'
"Merry christmassssssssssss...
i like this blanket..."
Mary: 'You reek.'
'I brought noodles. Be happy. And
this blanket, it's mine.'
'You're back? You promised never to come back! You signed right here!'
'but, my blanket!... I missed it.
Here, I'll pay for this square of space.
And I'll give you a hug if you're good.'
'you did not bring me a bouquet of lettuce. get out!'
'but.... my blanket!'
*dad knocks on the door*
'but I don't wanna leave!
it's cold and I'm drunk. Wait, why are you shoving me in here?
are we showering?
I refuse to leave my blankie.'
'Dad, we didn't do anything, I swear!!'
Dad: 'I have to use the potty. BTW,
I met a guy who will let you marry his son so that we can have money at last!'"
*Tokyo comes out*
Previews to Episode Two:
'I swear I'll marry him. He even gave me a lettuce bouquet and called me harry potter!'
Will Mary be able to protect Tokyo's harddrive? Will Tokyo keep on mooching off a poor girl? Will Rich Boy ever get over his poor girl fettish? And M'Dad--will he ever commit suicide? Tune in next time on Marry Me, Mary! Fan Sub Style!
*This script was edited for the purpose of our sanity and yours.
That was super amusing guys. Keep it up. :)