Friday, December 24, 2010

Marry Me, Mary! Episode 1

Hello everyone! This is our first attempt at some light-hearted humor. Mind you, this is rated PG-13 so please be aware that it may not be appropriate for all audiences seeing as the writers of the content are adults with a very adult sense of humor. We in no way dislike Marry Me, Mary! In fact, it was our interest and love for the show that led us to do silly things like this. The reason this started was because we were too eager to watch the first episode before it had even been subbed. Unable to understand what was going on, we decided to make our own subs and give an interesting twist to the story.

Please enjoy ^.^

Marry Me, Mary! Episode 1 Fan Subs

Stephanie: She just say 'thank you'and waved out the window.
Kazuki: She was saying 'please come back!' because they were stealing all her stuff. Duh!

Stephanie: and now she's counting...
Kazuki: She started counting and I was like 'ahhh! I know what she's doing!

Kazuki: But what IS she doing?!
Stephanie: grabbing her luggage
Kazuki: She counted to ten but then she was running in a circle--you'd think she was moving out.
Stephanie: I know!! But why did she take everything out?
Kazuki: but she looks to be moving in.
Stephanie: but apparently she was really moving out all of her stuff
Kazuki: maybe selling it?
Stephanie: to get BETTER stuff!!
Kazuki: or she's really poor...and selling it for rent?
Stephanie: maaaaaybe...

Stephanie: yeah, I don't get it. Did she just move IN?
Kazuki: maybe she's a squater!
Stephanie: a what?
Kazuki: someone who steals places when people leave--just takes them as their own
Stephanie: ooooooooooooooooooooooooo

Stephanie: she just took all that food
Kazuki Reid: that looks so gross

Stephanie: OHHHHHHHHH! Korea's Got Talent!!
Man: I'm Simon. You suck. Never sing again.
Kazuki: ooh I think that's the bad but 'good for you' guy

Kazuki: 'Sir, that is an amazing sword collection you have.'
Stephanie: 'Show me how to make my sword as big as yours.'
Kazuki: obviously that is what they are talking about

Stephanie: Evil man IS BACK!
Kazuki: 'I believe I have a sword... to rival your own...'

Stephanie: watch me paint
Kazuki: 'watch it... with your nice clothes'
Stephanie: 'don't criticize me and my pj's'

Kazuki: 'i will continue to draw almost the same thing
just to confuse you...
and your nice suit'

Kazuki: Yea they have to be squatters
Stephanie: 'Girl: Dad, stop eating all of the food.
I only have so much before we'll die.'
Kazuki: 'but I'm so hungry'

Stephanie: *knock knock*
what are you doing in this place? it's supposed to be MINE!
Kazuki: 'hurry! if we get under this blanket, no one will know we are here! I
t is a fool proof plan!'

Stephanie: girl: leave me alone. I'm a prostitute and you
can't afford my fees.
Kazuki: 'I am working already.
can you not see my hair?!'
Stephanie: 'men: *leave disappointed*'

Stephanie: NO! They're back! Oh, they want her father.
Kazuki: have they not heard of locking doors?

Kazuki: 'yes, plastic bowls always break windows...'
Stephanie: 'Girl: dad JUMP! It's for the good of our food supply!'

Stephanie: how can they be DIRT POOR and have a CELL PHONE???

Kazuki: oooooooh! A CAR!!!! hit geun suk!!! HIT HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIM!
Stephanie: Girl: I am dirt poor because I spent all my money on this NEW CAR!!!
Kazuki: and these new friends
Stephanie:..."and my father ate my FOOD." T.T
Kazuki: seriously, where did she get a car?

Stephanie: Girl: "wow, there's a lot of traffic. I might hit someone."
Kazuki: 'maybe you should.
teach these people a lesson'

Stephanie: Girl: OMG, I DID!
Kazuki: 'omg! you actualy did it!'
Kazuki: 'I didn't mean ACTUALLY HIT HIM!'

Stephanie: "You alive? Poke Poke Poke."
Kazuki: *poke poke*

Kazuki: 'hey, um... are you okay?'
Kazuki: 'huh? that hurt...'
*walks off*

Kazuki: 'yea.... let's go before the police show up...'
Stephanie: I'm worried! I don't have insurance because I'm poor!
Kazuki: 'I hear the police! RUN!!!'
Stephanie: Friends: WHINE!!!

Stephanie: omg, they're FOLLOWING HIM! T
hen again, I might, too >.>
Kazuki: 'who will drive us around?!'
Stephanie: Why does she keep yelling 'Tokyo'?? Is that his name?

Kazuki: haha the dots around them are hilarious

Stephanie: why would she follow him???
Kazuki: I'm assuming they were actually going on and on about the fact that he's in a band and he's famous
Stephanie: is he supposed to be famous?
Kazuki: Well, indie band famous...

Kazuki: 'huh, rabbit hole?... must enter...'

Kazuki: 'where am I? where is my rabbit? I must find him and hit him with another car so he can't run away!'

Kazuki: who is the creepy chick?
Stephanie: that's his prostitute
whom he gets his porn from
Kazuki: YES!
she keeps his harddrive safe for him--
I don't know that I'll ever get over that.

Kazuki: yes, because you can talk on a phone in a place like that

Kazuki: I love that she leaves
Stephanie: Girl: Look at him. He sings. I am in awe.

Kazuki: she chases after him and then ges a call and leaves?
Stephanie: yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah
Kazuki: oh wait, has to take a stalker picture first
with her expensive phone
that she sold all her stuff for...
that and her car
that is now dented
Stephanie: she LEFT her car
Kazuki: but its okay, because it was from a famous guy

Kazuki: 'hey, I hit that guy with my car.
what about you?'

Stephanie: "I know you?"
Kazuki: 'hey, you hit me.
you totally fixed my back problem!'

Kazuki: 'you bastard!'
Stephanie: Tokyo: *gets slapped*
Kazuki: 'no one can hit you with a car but me!!!!'

Stephanie: Girl: *stalks again*
Kazuki: Mary: 'obviously he has a thing for cars...did she hit him with a car too?'

Stephanie: Mary: 'Let me see if he has a thing for short-haired women...'
Stephanie: Tokyo: 'Maybe I'll cut my hair?'

Stephanie: Tokyo: 'Don't you dare bill me for your slut fees. I'll just give you the cash straight up.'
Kazuki: 'you hold my harddrive because it is an HONOR. not because I have to pay you.'
Stephanie: "You should be honored!
Kazuki: 'that it. you're out.'*kicks purse* (because there are no flowers)

Stephanie: omg, she is PERSISTENT
Kazuki: 'hi! I have my car out back.... can I hit you again?'
Stephanie: 'Please sign this saying that I can be your future prostitute.'
Kazuki: 'I have lots of places to hide harddrives'
Stephanie: 'Darn it, sign it again!'

Stephanie: 'And um...don't hug me. You're creepy.'
Kazuki: 'no... no hugs.... just hits with cars. it's kind of my new things'

Stephanie: 'Dear Lover, I want to marry you. This is a declaration of my love. Please marry me. Tokyo.'
Stephanie: 'Give it back! This was a dream of mine!'
Kazuki: 'damn your height! I just wanted to get your harddrive!'

Kazuki: 'so... where is this car of yours?'
Kazuki: 'i lied, I stole it...'

Stephanie: they're having a meal together again???
Kazuki: 'TOKYO!!! YOUR HARDDRIVE IS EVERYTHING!!!' She probably wants to sell it for money. 'i can then sell it for so much money....'

Stephanie: Tokyo: 'Just have some soju, love...'
Kazuki: 'drink... then you can hit me again'
Stephanie: 'But I looooooooooooove you. Sign my marriage contract.'
Kazuki: 'no one has ever hit me the way you did...'

Stephanie: 'No, I only want porn and soju.'
Stephanie: 'Ahh! But if I get him drunk, he'll sign it!'

Kazuki: he totally called her out
Stephanie: 'You just wasted good alcohol. HOW DARE YOU???'
Kazuki: 'please stop making me drink

Stephanie: and now they are DRUNK!!!
Kazuki: 'stop holding my hand!
Stephanie: 'Sign it. I want you.'
Kazuki: 'I only want to touch you with my car!
Stephanie: 'I don't give myself to just ANYONE!'

Stephanie: Tokyo: *HUG*
Stephanie: his constant hugs are weeeeeeeeeeeird

Stephanie: Toyko: 'Takes this lettuce of my appreciation for running me over.'
Kazuki: 'marry me!'
Stephanie: 'Wait...did my lettuce give you that scar?'
Stephanie: 'Leave it alone! I'm Harry Potter!'
Stephanie: 'No no, let me see it. Did you hit yourself with your car, too?'
Kazuki: and he kissed her scar. this is just adorable.

Stephanie: 'Tokyo, is that you? Did you fall?'
Kazuki: 'I still have lettuce... will it help?'
Stephanie: 'If you don't get up, I'll eat your lettuce. Ah, I give up. Let me sleep with you. I'll make your dreams come true.'

Stephanie: *wakes up* 'How did I get back here? and why did I let him give me soju?'
Kazuki: 'man, what happened to my car last night?'
Stephanie: omg, he's under the BLANKET! 'Did I sleep with him??? I need my money first!'
Kazuki: 'I refuse to give up the harddrive!'

Stephanie: 'What? A puppy? Can't compete with that.'

Stephanie: I love how she is completely CLUELESS that he is there
Kazuki: he can come sleep on my floor anytime

Kazuki: 'sir! I had the best night! I hit a musician with my car!'

Stephanie: Tokyo: 'Want to take a shower?'
Stephanie: Mary: 'Why did you take a shower WITHOUT ME???'
Stephanie: Tokyo: 'What am I to do? You weren't here...and my hair was greasy.'
Kazuki: 'that is no excuse! if there is no hot water I'll kill you! I hate you! get out!'
Kazuki: 'Your lettuce died, too! I need more!'
Stephanie: Mary: 'You can't be here if you are going to cheat on me with the shower nozzle.'
Kazuki: 'our lettuce love is over!'

Kazuki: 'omg I really did hurt you with my car!'
Stephanie: Tokyo: 'Oh, the pain in my side from being hit my your car!! Convenient reason for me to STAY!'
Kazuki: 'man... if only I'd gotten to hit him again...I could have kept him forever...'
Stephanie: 'or he wouldn't be alive to torture me so'
Kazuki: 'and maybe he'd shut the hell up

Stephanie: 'WHAT? You're going to take the harddrive back?? DON'T YOU DARE!'

Stephanie: 'Mary? Merry Christmas?'
Stephanie: I love his sexy pose right now
Kazuki: I know! 'now keep rubbing. oh no... the pain... I must stay in this sexy pose...'
Stephanie: 'Fine, I won't take the harddrive away. Just don't touch the bruise. Massage me.'
Kazuki: 'now please, go make me dinner...and get me some soju...'

Stephanie: Mary: *whines*
Stephanie: Friend: You DID hit him with your car. You should have kept going...
Kazuki: 'is he in a sexy pose, though? because then you shouldn't be complaining....'

Stephanie: Mary: 'Now I will die on the floor.'

Kazuki: he doesn't have money
Stephanie: yeah, THAT was the problem..."If only I sold my secret for overcoming ED..."
Kazuki: 'no... I must protect it. for my daughters safety'

Stephanie: 'instead, i'll get hit with a car'
Kazuki: 'mary says it works wonders for your love life'
Stephanie: 'nevermind, that won't do...I can't jump off a bridge EITHER! FAIL!'

Kazuki: Mary: 'I have a freeloader... but I swear he'd be perfect for this job'
Stephanie: 'What? You've never heard of Harry Potter? I'm famous, I tell you! Famous! Hire me!!'
Kazuki: Mary to Tokyo: 'get a job... please get a job!'

Stephanie: 'CRAP, HE'S EATING MY NOODLES! You're no better than my father!!'
Kazuki: Mary: 'yes, please eat all my food...if you let me, you can keep my harddrive for now'
Stephanie: Tokyo: 'Did you just put that hot bowl on my harddrive???'

Stephanie: *fighting over noodles* 'DON'T EAT MY NOODLES!'
Kazuki: 'you bastard! they are mine!!!!'
Stephanie: Tokyo: I win!
Kazuki: 'you know what would be awesome? getting a job.'
Stephanie: 'Here. Call this person and get a job.'

Stephanie & Kaz: HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

'Where is Tokyo?'
'Does my perm look ok?'
'someone must have hit him with a car again'
'what is with his fetish with cars?'
'Hyung! He's hiding behind us!'
' know him... he's creepy!'
'Why does he get the girls? He's a freeloader.'

Kazuki: oooh the OTHER how does he come into play?!
Stephanie: his father is going to pay his debt by giving the man his daughter
Kazuki: 'hey, I know a poor chick you should totally hook up with'

Stephanie: 'Son...don't got out with poor girls.'
Stephanie: 'I promise.'
Stephanie: 'I mean it. No more scenes like back in Busan.'
Kazuki: 'fine... this drama plot has been put in motion with my glasses being put on'
Kazuki: 'but like tokyo I have a fetish...only its for poor chicks."

Stephanie: 'Here, take this picture of our national fairies! This is Mary, our most favorite prostitute. She takes in freeloaders all the time.'
Kazuki: 'and I hear she's amazing with harddrives'

Kazuki: 'you think you can out ninja us?!'
Father: *magically saved*
Kazuki: 'no... our ninja skills are not as good! we are not worthy!'
Stephanie: 'Thank you for saving me! I'll give you my first born!'
Kazuki: and they are somehow friends?!

Stephanie: Mary: 'Ugh, I hate this bus ride. Where is my car?'
Kazuki: 'oh that's right, I hit that lettuce jerk with it. hopefully he's not here....'

Stephanie: 'if I can't to 10, this will allllllllll go away. and I'll get my noodles back.'
Kazuki: 'that bastard... he ate my noooooooooooooooodles!'
Stephanie: 'How could he? What did I do to make him eat my food?'

"Merry christmassssssssssss...
i like this blanket..."
Mary: 'You reek.'
'I brought noodles. Be happy. And
this blanket, it's mine.'
'You're back? You promised never to come back! You signed right here!'
'but, my blanket!... I missed it.
Here, I'll pay for this square of space.
And I'll give you a hug if you're good.'
'you did not bring me a bouquet of lettuce. get out!'
'but.... my blanket!'

*dad knocks on the door*
'but I don't wanna leave!
it's cold and I'm drunk. Wait, why are you shoving me in here?
are we showering?
I refuse to leave my blankie.'

'Dad, we didn't do anything, I swear!!'
Dad: 'I have to use the potty. BTW,
I met a guy who will let you marry his son so that we can have money at last!'"
*Tokyo comes out*


Previews to Episode Two:
'I swear I'll marry him. He even gave me a lettuce bouquet and called me harry potter!'

Will Mary be able to protect Tokyo's harddrive? Will Tokyo keep on mooching off a poor girl? Will Rich Boy ever get over his poor girl fettish? And M'Dad--will he ever commit suicide? Tune in next time on Marry Me, Mary! Fan Sub Style!

*This script was edited for the purpose of our sanity and yours.

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