

My Girlfriend is a Nine-Tailed Fox
I fell in love with this drama and was addicted all the way until the end. It wasn't terribly original, but it was different and the characters were so much fun and lovable that I just couldn't help it! The only warning is the first episode is slightly odd and put me off the first time I watched. Once past the first episode, the rest is all fun!

You're Beautiful
I was never one for cross-dressers, but a naive, innocent nun coerced into being a boy? Well, that was the beginning. What was great about this drama was that it was full of surprises. The main character, Tae Kyung (aka: "eyeliner guy"), took a bit of getting used to, but after watching the show twice I can see that he has merit. He isn't the type of guy that you expect to fall in love with and I think that's what gives the drama an element of surprise and humor. The relationship doesn't seem right and yet it happens and we know why it happens. Plus the music is over-used and terribly addicting...

Secret Garden
It's a case of higher class v. lower class, but what I enjoyed about the story was the witty dialogue, an attempt on the writer's part to connect the situation to fairy tales (Alice in Wonderland, the Little Mermaid, etc), and the depth that was given to Joo-Won's character. Oh yes, and the body-switching moments were hilarious as well! However, this drama did lack much and was very slow to start, so be prepared for that if you watch!

Goong/Princess Hours
What a long drama, but one that had the cruelest characters, cruelest line, and the most addicting plot. It was the same thrill that I felt when I watched my first drama (Boys Before Flowers) and I couldn't unglue my eyes from the screen. I loved Chae and all of her blundering attempts to become a princess and all of the hilarious moments that made her such a normal and likable character. Shin, the prince, also grew on me as he became less and less the selfish teenager and more of an adult. Hae Rin and prepared to either like them and hate them (it was the latter for me) and have a  punching bag ready when you do!

My Lovely Sam Soon/My Name is Kim Sam Soon
I thoroughly enjoyed this drama both for the humor and for Hyun Bin. I'm quite sure my husband thinks I'm psycho right about now, but who wouldn't be? It was a very satisfying drama with Jin Heon getting slapped, kicked, whacked, and told off when he needed to be. Of course that didn't keep him from being a stubborn jerk or for Sam Soon falling for him. Oh yes, and lots of yelling and screaming along the way. You might want earplugs.

Dream High
This little treasure was slow to start, but the characters were so endearing that you couldn't help but watch them struggle to reach their dreams. We follow six high school students as they work toward debuting as singers/dancers. Each character has their own fears and battles which is represented by the K pendant that passes from one to the other. I love that the drama isn't necessarily about romance, but love like in any drama just happens. Kudos to Jin Man for making me laugh; second kudos to Hye Mi and Sam Dong for working so hard and being utterly adorable!

49 Days
Have you ever thought of what it is like on the other side? Or those you have lost--what if they were given a second chance? What is amazing about 49 Days is how we are taken through the path of one's life and we get to re-examine it in a whole new light. We get to see love and betrayal, hope and hopelessness, laughter and tears, and in the end--we see that in every death, there is a new life. If there was ever an epic drama, this would be it.


1st Shop of Coffee Prince
This is an extremely popular drama and there are some elements of this drama that I really liked--the love square, the coworkers, and some of the fun moments between the two main characters. However, logic towards the end really deterred me from liking this drama. It was almost like Eun Chan was destroying what could have been her happily ever after for absolutely no reason. And I banged my head against a wall until the very end when even then, the ending did not seem to resolve the marriage issues. But this was popular and overall, I suggest watching it because while the angst didn't suit my taste, it might suit yours.

Playful Kiss
For a drama with very low ratings, I actually enjoyed it very much. While it was slow at times (fine, a lot of the time), it also felt refreshing watching a drama that had less of the angst and more real emotions. I fell in love with Ha Ni who reminded me of my childhood and the mistakes we make that make us cringe. The moments with Seung Jo when you can read between the lines as he falls in love with Ha Ni are completely adorable and gives you the fuzzies. The only thing I would want more out of this drama is for the relationship, when it actually happens, to actually seem like a relationship.

Boys Before Flowers
I am only listing this because I think it's essential to watch this once. For me, I got so depressed at the end and have such bad feelings towards it that I have trouble just looking at pictures of it. But it was a huge hit and fan base...and actually was terribly addicting as I watched it...that I think it's worth watching once. You might like it; you might hate it, but at least you can say you watched it.

Wonderful Life
This drama was listed on a site as one of the top recommendations, so I decided to give it a chance. The plot centers around two individuals who end up having a child from a one-night stand and eventually fall in love with each other. However, there are a lot of challenges to face along the way. This was a good drama to watch, but very emotionally draining and it seems like the last few episodes kept bringing me very close to tears. It's good to see this drama once, but not anymore than that.


Full House
I think my brain died. This drama made no sense and I wanted to strangle Young Jae as well as Ja Eun's friends who sold her house and possessions. Min Hyuk was the only happy moments and even he got his heartbroken.

Marry Me, Mary
It was a promising cast and a great plot idea if it was executed right. wasn't. It ended in chaos and confusion with the plot going into circles, spiraling until the very end. It's an emotional roller coaster that left us all hanging with no idea how we got there. My heart goes to Geun Suk, Geun Young, and Jae Wook for putting up with the drama the entire time.

On My Queue:

18 vs 29
Absolute Boyfriend
Coffee House
King of Baking, Kim Tak Goo
Love Marriage
My Fair Lady
Personal Taste
Shining Inheritance
Smile, You
You Are My Destiny

Any other recommendations?

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