Thursday, January 27, 2011

My Princess: Episode 8

I don't think I've ever been so angry with an episode before. Hae Young, how could you? After KISSING her, you threw her away and destroyed her life, crushing her little soul! Don't even pretend it was for her own good because we all know better. Thankfully, Professor Dreamy and his talk with Seol put some courage into her. We've had a lot of crying so far and it's about time our princess steps up and takes the throne. Good job, Seol!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

My Princess: Episode 7

Wow, who knew Yoon Joo could be such a witch? At least she finally laid down her cards. From here on out, we should be quite confident that Yoon Joo (ENEMY #1) will be the bane of Seol's existance. I still don't understand her and I REALLY don't understand why she would make Seol wear such an ugly wig! For the first time in this series, I *cringed* when I looked at Seol! Thankfully, it was a wig and only a wig. If it was permanent, I would never have finished the episode. Glad that I did, though, because we're finally getting some romance!

Friday, January 21, 2011

My Princess: Episode 6

Ok, now I'm insanely curious. Oh Hae Young! What are your evil plans now? Just when you were starting to warm up to me, now you've decided to pull out your "I'm evil but will pretend to be good" card? At least it's consistent with your character, but why?? You know you're only going to get hurt later. Or hurt Sul. And we would rather laugh than cry, so if you make us cry then you'll be answering to me! But gah, somehow this reminds me of the Shin v. Yul drama in Goong and you all know how that went down...

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

My Princess: Episode 5

Oh Hae Young, what to do with you? Threatening a scandal with the princess, assaulting a mannequin, and you can't skip an episode without letting Professor Dreamy know just how great you are. Mmhmm. That's our Hae Young! But what? An affectionate side? Was that my imagination or do you actually care about Sul? I think even the princess was slightly surprised to find you in her imagination. Until she woke up to the nightmare of realizing that she might actually be falling for you. Gah! How could things happen this way?

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Dream High: Episode 6

Hmm...what to say about this episode? Well, I'm torn between my new loves--Jin Gook and Sam Dong. Oh the two underdogs battling it out over Princess Grumpy! I have no idea what they actually see in her to love her, but it is adorable that they do and that they are fighting because we want some more of those showdowns! Yes, they are petty, but come on! She smiles at me while she cries with me and OMG ARE YOU WEARING MY UNDERWEAR? Yes, more of those moments...

Dream High: Episode 5

I'm still addicted. This episode, from beginning to end, was overall very well done. We got to see development from Hye Mi, Jin Gook's nobleness, Sam Dong saving the day, and Pil Sook is becoming my favorite character over and over again. The best scene in this episode has to be the four of them dancing to Girl's Generation's "Genie." I had to watch that scene twice because it was so much fun! What a great episode! If we get more of those dancing/singing moments throughout the rest of the show, I will be satisfied ^.^

Monday, January 17, 2011

Secret Garden: Finale

I just finished watching the final episode of Secret Garden, one of my stranger addictions. This show was definitely way better than Marry Me, Mary which both began around the same time. I started watching Secret Garden right after Episode 8 and was quite addicted afterwards. It's not a rational addiction because I didn't really like much about it. The beginning was WAY too long to set down plot and it dragged on and on...after Episode 4, I was ready to give up. If it wasn't for the body swap in Episode 5/6, I think I would have abandoned Secret Garden forever.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

My Princess: Episode 4

Finally, after four episodes, the plot is going to move on and it looks like it's going to be one fun ride. So far, we've spent four hours introducing the plot, the background, the characters, and where they stand. And of course, snickering to ourselves the entire time. Honestly, if this show only had Hae Young and Seul bickering the entire time and nothing else, I think I would still be addicted. It's that entertaining.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

My Princess: Episode 3

Can you say "super cute"? I can officially say, this is my new favorite fluffy drama currently. Being the third episode that I've watched, we still have another episode to go before the week is over (SQUEE!). But anyways, coming back down to Earth, this drama has kept a good momentum with both touching moments for Seul, hilarious bickering between Seul and Hae-Young, or all of the misunderstandings for Yoon-Ju that make you snicker. Whichever it is (and there is a lot of it), the right moments are there and there are a lot of it.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Dream High: Episode 4

Wow, all of a sudden this drama hit the ground running. Where was this energy before? We finally got past the introduction which is great because honestly, I was waiting for President Jung to finally disappear. Honestly, he just made no sense. Now we leave the plot in the hands of the three special admission students who are stuck in the lower classes where they cannot study music or dancing and there only hope is maybe get into a sad is that? But at least the plot has finally decided to give us some direction. I can tell from now on, we'll be following these underdogs whom the new Principal will refuse to let succeed. Ok, now I'm on board!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Dream High: Episode 3

We are delving deeper into the characters that are Hye Mi, Baek Hee, and Jin Gook. After this episode, it's kind of clear where the line has been drawn. Obviously the three specially admitted students aren't exactly welcome and President Jung left WHO in charge and put his trust in WHO? I question his character and his reasons. Does anyone else feel that this drama has started to get random? Where did Sam Dong come from, anyways?? How does President Jung even know about him? Well, that's where we are this episode.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

My Princess: Episode 2

Wow, talk about the LOL's! Seul continues to surprise me and make me crack up while Hae Young is really exercising his acting abilities and wow, shirtless? Can you walk around with your shirt off every episode? Ok ok, just asking! But I just love where this drama is going. The reactions to the plot are so believable that you don't wonder why the characters are acting that way, but what they will do about the situation.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

My Princess: Episode 1

Plot? Check. Characters? Check. Characters are believable? Check. All parties are accounted for? Come on, we don't want to leave anyone out here. Check! Logic? Umm, check for now. LOL's? Most definitely! What a way to hit the ground running. This drama means business and it's not wasting time with introductions. In fact, we aren't even introduced to the main characters before they even have their first argument! But that's ok. The rest of the hour makes up for it as we are entertained by four different characters (love square) and a plot to bring back the royal family of Korea. Alright, I'll buy that for now.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Dream High: Episode 2

This drama is still in the 2/5 range, even after this episode. I can see how we're getting a deeper understanding of each character and being introduced to a few new ones. With the bar being so low on the first episode, this episode wasn't much more of a surprise. The plot didn't seem to be going anywhere in this second hour and no one's actions really made sense, especially Bae Yong-Joon's character. We pulled two random people out of thin air without no explanation and we are expected to accept these people as legitimate characters. Logic, where are you?

Monday, January 3, 2011

Dream High: Episode 1

After having just watched the first episode of Dream High, my feelings are mixed. The hype of an idol-filled drama mixed with heavy advertising might suggest that this drama would be the hit of the season, a great way to start off 2011. However, I will try to keep in mind that this is the first episode and we shouldn't hold it against the drama. First episodes tend to be the worst which is horrible if a drama wants to keep their audience to the end. Now onto business!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Years Resolution

Hello Stalkers!

Happy New Year! I hope everyone had a safe holiday and if you were travelling, that you got home in one piece. For our news years resolution, we plan on fan subbing at least three dramas this year. We'll continue to work on Marry Me, Mary as we rewrite some of the script to fulfill our fangirl fetishes as well. But you can look forward to some immediate results as we stalk:

-Dream High
-My Princess

over these next few weeks. So you can look forward to that!

Happy New Year and welcome 2011!
