Monday, January 17, 2011

Secret Garden: Finale

I just finished watching the final episode of Secret Garden, one of my stranger addictions. This show was definitely way better than Marry Me, Mary which both began around the same time. I started watching Secret Garden right after Episode 8 and was quite addicted afterwards. It's not a rational addiction because I didn't really like much about it. The beginning was WAY too long to set down plot and it dragged on and on...after Episode 4, I was ready to give up. If it wasn't for the body swap in Episode 5/6, I think I would have abandoned Secret Garden forever.

So now that I've said that, what did I actually get addicted to? Well, I'm a huge sucker for witty dialogue and frankly, Joo-Won's character. I don't know why, but I felt more sympathy for him the entire show than I did for Ra-Im. He just seemed like a real character to me. He was a jerk, but one with skeletons and a prince-syndrome that made him a real character. Ra-Im, however, was a good girl and the only "bad" aspect was that she was poor. She didn't have a complex and I'm really not even sure when she fell in love with Joo-Won because she spent the first half of the show telling him off. Then all of a sudden, she liked him. And I said, "Wait...that doesn't make sense! Logic, where did you GO?"

Logic: *stayed back on Jeju Island on vacation for rest of show*

But I continued to watch, if not to listen to the pretty music and laugh at the funny dialogue. I didn't fall in love with this drama only because I don't think there was a cliff for me to fall off of. There was no real stakes and sometimes I wondered why the show didn't end already. But now that I've watched the ending, seen all the bows and knots tied together, I'm at least somewhat satisfied with the ending.

It was a happy ending and one that defied logic--Joo-Won married Ra-Im, kept his job, his house, and pretty much his wealth. The only thing that he lost was his mother and her approval. Psh, no big loss there. If my mother-in-law was like that, who would want her to be around? Their kids were spoiled to death and Joo-Won and Ra-Im as immature and in love as ever. At least we got to witness that--that they did live happily ever after instead of the Little Mermaid who disappeared like bubbles.

So hurrah for that and hurrah for the ending of the show. Now what will I do with my Saturdays and Sundays??

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