Logic: :(
However, I did like seeing Hye Mi's character grow some levels, even if there are only two dimensions to her personality: teary-eyed Hye Mi and bitch-Hye Mi. That's one better than Non-Sensical-Personality-Yong-Joon. But the story doesn't redeem itself in the end. Instead, logic completely disappeared when one of our newly introduced characters, Sam-Dong appears and develops a love-at-first-sight crush on Hye Mi. What?? Really? You barely look at her for THREE SECONDS and you are already head over heels for her? Does that make sense??
Sense: :(
Logic: T.T
Drama Cliches: =D
At least we actually got to see some entertainment that we had been waiting for--dancing! If only for a SHORT bit, it was there. And when the sushi roll girl pulled out the picture of Kim Hyun Joong, crying, "Oppa, I made it!" Hysterical! So I still have faith. This drama has only had two episodes. It still might redeem itself. I think. *crosses fingers*
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